Tuesday, June 24, 2014

No Junk June Part 2 ... The Everflowing Salad

Week one flew by and then two ... salads have been the main meal for me during lunch.

I have been adding different things to them ... mushrooms, radishes, carrots, pineapple, plums, pears, apples, ground beef, sardines and various canned beans.

If variety is the spice of life, then this everflowing salad that changes almost every day should last me the month.

More to come.


Monday, June 02, 2014

No Junk June Challenge - Part 1

Well, June is here and I am participating in our Company "No Junk June" challenge.

My goal is to go without fast food for a whole month.  This is not as easy as I had thought given the subject of what I like to write about ... and that something is food.  Well, maybe not fast food, but food that is not the best type for me to eat.  Needless to say, we do eat our fair share of fast food in my house.

With our busy schedule, we don't have a whole lot of time to make a meal and dine at the table.  Nope, ours is a household of "we gotta get Quesadilla Girl to after school sports and pick up Burger Boy from his friend's house" about 4 days out of the week.

Apparently, this is a LOT of folks routine when school is session.

This leaves me to really focus on the two meals that I can control ... Breakfast and Lunch.

I am trying my best to make them good meals.

Today it was breakfast tacos from Murphys and a very large salad with garbanzo beans.  Protein, dairy and roughage.  Mmmmm ... this week is starting off with a bang.  I am serious about that, I love fresh veggies and salads ... especially when I can grow some of the fixins in my own backyard.

My dinner will just have to wait this week until school ends and the Missus can start prepping up the meals that I can cook when I drag in after a day of work.  Then we can focus on those.

So, I open my email and there it is ... the Excel Spreadsheet declaring that I am officially in No Junk June for the duration.  Oh joy.

I open it.  Oh joy.

There in front of my eyes is an actual tracker spreadsheet that has NO controls over it!!!  OH JOY!

Pencil whip, Here I COME ... or do I.

I need to take a step back here and think for a second about what I am doing.

As someone that struggles with eating healthy, this will come as a boon to me in making better choices for myself and my soon to be very unhappy and ungrateful family.

Personally, I look forward to a better diet.  Hopefully this challenge can get me part of the way there.

I'll keep all of you posted.
